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10 Best Ways to Learn any Musical Instrument: A blog discussing the best ways to learn a musical

Writer's picture: Shivani  RajputShivani Rajput

Updated: Oct 14, 2022

There are many approaches you may take if you want to learn to play a musical instrument, or if you want your children to learn to play a musical instrument. You must choose what is most effective for you. There are ten tips, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

1. The Advantages of Teaching yourself to play a musical instrument

It is a cost-effective method of learning a musical instrument. A musical instrument, some books, YouTube videos, or software instruction are the only things you need to get started. Alternatively, you may be able to discover free step-by-step instructions on websites such as There are other YouTube channels that are devoted to step-by-step tutorials and instruction. There are no monthly fees to pay to study.

Cons: It might be difficult to master suitable procedures while self-learning, which is a significant downside of this method. Furthermore, if you learn incorrectly, it might be difficult to change undesirable behaviours. It is harmful to utilise incorrect techniques since it might result in injury, to avoid this you may want to consider looking for music academies near me or even music classes near me. You can opt for an hour’s guided music lessons to clear your doubts.

Some people find it difficult to determine whether they are or are not ready to go on to the next phase. You can believe you've mastered something when you haven't, or you might believe you aren't good enough to go on when you should have done so.

Another significant disadvantage is that you may have less motivation to practise on a regular basis. Knowing that you must prepare for music classes each week may be a powerful motivator to put in the necessary effort to practise and prepare. So, you may want to do a quick google search for music academies near me or even look for music classes near me, if you do not want to travel too far.

2. Distance Education and Training

Yousician is an application that allows you to learn online. Interactive lessons are available, and you will get feedback on how well you have performed.

Advantages: It is inexpensive. The fact that it is step-by-step, and that the computer can identify when you are ready to go on is a significant benefit over self-learning.

Cons: As with self-learning, if you don't have an expert there to correct you, you may unwittingly be using erroneous practices without realising them. And like with self-learning, you may not have enough motivation to put in the necessary time to practise on a regular basis and follow a schedule that is centred around your music classes near me or music academies near me.

3. Recording studios

Music studios are places where hundreds of students may take lessons on a variety of instruments at the same time.

For starters, many music studios offer many instructors for each instrument, allowing you to pick one who is a good match for you or your kid. Throughout the year, they hold recitals that are particularly beneficial to youngsters. A recital provides students with the motivation to polish a song while also providing them with the opportunity to play in front of an audience.

Due to the actual presence of an instructor, it is much simpler to acquire good posture and technique. Group classes are often available at studios. For children, this is a fantastic approach to learn how to play ensemble music or in a group setting.

Background checks are performed at the studios to guarantee that the instructors have the necessary credentials to teach.

Cons: Traveling to and from a studio might be a hassle unless you're fortunate enough to live nearby or you can circumvent this con by looking for music academies near me or even music classes near me.

Children often attend courses in the late afternoon or early evening during rush hour, which means that parents must spend a significant amount of time commuting and waiting.

Studios are costly due to the large amount of overhead they have. They often take 40–50 per cent of monthly fees, with the remaining portion going to the instructor and the school. Consequently, studio instructors are sometimes more costly than independent professors.

You are charged a flat monthly rate, regardless of how many classes you complete in a given period of time. You must arrange make-up sessions if you are absent from any classes.

When working with an independent instructor, you only pay for the classes that you attend. Many studios cater primarily to children. Some adult learners may feel uncomfortable because of this, so if this is how you feel, look for music classes near me or music academies near me that cater to a wider age group of students.

4. Learning via distance education

This approach makes use of a real instructor, but you study from them through a webcam utilising services such as Skype, Facetime, Zoom, or other similar services.

Advantages: Because the instructor can teach from home, they have fewer expenditures, which allows them to offer a much lower rate. Since it makes no difference where your instructor is situated, you may also shop around for the greatest deal. You'll have a far wider range of options than you have now. In this case, the instructor may examine your posture and technique and aid and criticism.

It is possible that you will not be required to make up music lessons, however, this would rely on the regulations of the instructor.

Cons: While your instructor may assist you with technique, having someone present to demonstrate it for you can be beneficial. This may be particularly true for younger children who have a difficult time complying with instructions.

You must have a suitable camera setup for the instructor to be able to view your instrument. This is simple to do with a guitar or violin, but it is a bit more difficult to do with a keyboard. From time to time, your video chat may be interrupted or disconnected. So, if this is a major con for you while learning your musical instrument, so look for music classes near me or music academies near me.

5. Music Teachers who work from home

There are many music teachers like vocal coaches, who conduct their classes from the comfort of their own homes.

Advantages: Because of their reduced operating costs, they are often cheaper. If you locate someone in your area or a neighbouring community by looking up music classes near me, you will not have to drive too far. You'll be working with an instructor who will be there in person, which is the greatest kind of instruction. Having someone physically there might be the most effective method of teaching children.

It is possible that at-home music instructors would accept payment per session rather than charging a set monthly charge. If you fail to attend a class, your monthly fee will be reduced. Before you begin taking classes, find out what the teacher's payment policy is like.

Cons: If the music teacher's house is calm and free of distractions, there aren't any significant downsides to this arrangement.

6. Teachers who work from home

The instructors in this category are those who come to your house. This is the most convenient approach to acquiring new knowledge.

Advantages: You get all the benefits of having a music teacher physically there without having to go to a classroom location. Especially if you have a kid who has a lot of schoolwork to do in the evenings, this might be the most time-efficient method of teaching them to play an instrument. Furthermore, if you have more than one kid who is taking lessons, they will not be needed to wait while their sibling takes lessons, as they would be required to do at a teacher's house or at a studio if they are all under the same instructor.

Prices vary widely, and you may be able to negotiate a favourable price. Some music teachers only travel within a certain geographic region, allowing them to keep their costs as low as possible. Perhaps if you live near a university, you can locate a music student who will come to your house and teach for a reduced fee. Many institutions enable students to advertise job openings for tutoring on their campuses.

Cons: As with a studio, if you choose an experienced instructor who travels a lot, the cost might be prohibitively high. Those travel expenses are passed on to the customer. On the same day, teachers often schedule students in the same region. If many students fail to show up on that day, the instructor may decide to cancel all classes. Before beginning classes, inquire about their payment policies.

Teachers may arrive too early or too late, even though you have a set time slot, due to the unpredictable nature of traffic conditions. Depending on the day, our piano instructor would arrive anywhere between 15 and 20 minutes early or late.

You'll need to make certain that you can maintain a calm workplace. Distractions such as young children, a television playing in the background, or barking dogs may be detrimental to the learning environment.

7) How long should I devote to music practice irrespective of your class mode.

Whether it is music classes near me or music academies near me that you have chosen for your music classes, It is well established that our brain is only capable of sustained concentration for around 20-30 minutes. After that, you should take a little pause. If you want to practise for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break, that's a good rule of thumb.

When taking pauses, it is crucial to get some fresh air and stillness since the brain is still processing what it has just learnt. As a result, avoid turning on the television immediately after practice. It doesn't matter if you have even less time if you are concentrated, since frequent and focused practice is much more important than one hour-long session every week, regardless of how little time you have.

15 minutes per day is preferable to 5 hours once a week in terms of practice time.

8) Make frequent practise a habit by incorporating it into your everyday routine.

In addition to everything else that is going on in your thoughts throughout your daily routine, it may be difficult to find time to sit down and practise the piano. When you have just returned home from work or school, it is difficult to focus.

You are the most familiar with your own daily routine. Maybe you can locate a time slot that is available every day? This will allow you to practise on a regular basis and enjoy playing the piano more as a "time-out" rather than as "strenuous practice." Other options include intentionally relaxing before practise time so that you don't spend the whole time thinking about anything else while practising, such as by taking a short sleep shortly before practice. It is important to remember that a midday nap should not take more than half an hour, otherwise you will slip into a deep slumber and will not be able to function properly when you wake up.

Of course, discipline is required in the beginning, but after a while, the practice time becomes a habit and does not feel as long as it once did. However, it is impossible to predict how long this will take in advance. Your procedure might take anywhere from 18 to 254 days, depending on how long you choose to wait.

If you think that you may not be able to practise regularly, it may be better to look for music classes near me or music academies near me. With the structured music curriculum that they will follow, you will be motivated to practise for your next music class to learn something new.

9) Choose basic pieces of music that are easy to learn for novices.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Choose easy pieces of music created for beginners if you want to avoid losing your enthusiasm for the music you are learning. The quick runs in these songs should be avoided as much as possible. Only select music that you have already listened to and seen on YouTube.

Work on new components gently to prevent making errors. You play quickly, and as a result, you make quick errors. You will be able to focus better if you play slowly. Exhausting and time-consuming work is required to eliminate practised errors. So, right from the start, educate yourself on the proper order to follow.

Set yourself a goal for each time you practise that you believe you will be able to reach in this session. To master the opening four bars of a song, for example, is a good illustration of what I mean.

Do not set your goals too high, but do not set them too low either - just keep your approach practical.

Instead, break down your major objective into smaller chunks so that each step seems like progress is being made. Bars are the units of measurement for a song you wish to learn. Learn each one individually and then put them all together.

10) Demonstrate what you have learnt to your friends and family members in order to get their feedback.

When evaluating one's own abilities, it might be difficult to be objective in one's assessment. This is the reason why when you google music schools, many music academies near me or music classes near me have regular recitals and performance opportunities

Make a presentation to your friends or family members on the information you have learnt. Then insist on receiving candid comments.

They will be able to inform you which elements of your performance still require work and where you may make improvements. Perhaps it will even become apparent that you are already capable of mastering increasingly harder tunes as time goes on.

If you are unable to locate an audience for criticism, consider filming yourself. When you don't have to focus on playing, it might be much simpler to hear how you truly sound when you listen to yourself. Consider googling for music academies near me or music classes near me to see if they have open mics where you can perform in front of an audience.

Learn any Musical Instrument


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