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Writer's pictureShivani Rajput

9 Essential Tips to Help You Maintain Good Piano Posture

online piano classes
online piano classes

Learning the piano is a challenging but highly rewarding experience. While it can truly be daunting to become a legitimate expert in this versatile musical instrument, one can utilize online piano classes to master their craft. And with the wide variety of online piano classes in Bangalore, one can start their journey toward piano mastery without any hassles.

But while many will teach you about the intricacies of the piano as an instrument, they also miss out on a critical aspect: maintaining a good posture.

Not many are aware of the fact that true piano mastery involves a good posture that makes the usage of the instrument hassle-free. When you take up our online piano classes at Mela Music School, you will be taught all there is to learn about the piano. But at this juncture, we have highlighted the most important pointers regarding a good piano posture in this article. As such, let's check out the most important pointers regarding a good piano posture:

Piano posture tips by the best online piano classes in Bangalore

1. Understand your piano finger dynamics

To find the right finger shape for playing the piano, take a stab at putting your casual hand on your thigh and sliding it forward over your knee. Notice how your fingers normally bend around your knee cap. Keep your fingers there as you lift your hand and set it on the console to play. Another way is to cup two hands together as though you were holding a little, sensitive child chick. Presently, keeping that finger shape, pivot your hands, so they are palm down, and you're prepared to play the piano

2. Effective usage of the thumb

Dissimilar to different fingers, the thumb ought not to be bent when it plays the piano. Keep it straight yet free. While utilizing the thumb to play the piano, simply drop it descending. Just the side edge of the thumb, close to the tip, ought to contact the piano key.

3. A balance between equilibrium and posture

On the off chance that your head isn't adjusted over your body, that is a ton of weight your back and shoulders must hold up! To find the middle equilibrium point for your head, tenderly touch your fingers inside every ear and gesture your head all over, similar to how you nod in affirmation. This will assist you with feeling where the middle mark of your head is. That middle point ought to be in accordance with your shoulders over your hips.

4. Taking care of your feet and comfort

It's exceptionally normal for youngsters to slide forward on the piano seat and sit excessively near the keys. To hold this back from occurring, utilize an ottoman, a carton, or even a heap of books as a stool. Children will be more agreeable and display a better piano stance at the piano in the event that their feet can lay immovably on something as opposed to hanging.

5. Finger placement

In some cases, the end joint of the finger clasps a misguided course while pushing down on a piano key. This joint ought to constantly bend out, not in. One method for working on keeping this joint firm is to put one hand in a bent finger position on a level surface. Utilizing the pointer finger of the other hand, push delicately in toward one side joint until it clasps internal. Presently attempt it once more, this time opposing the strain so the bent finger stays balanced. As you play the piano, ensure your fingers stay well bent and don't clasp.

6. Using your weight effectively

As opposed to depending just on finger solidarity to play a note on the piano, utilize the entire load of your arm. To figure out how to do this, have a go at pushing the piano seat back a little ways from the piano. Work on holding your arm as though you had the console before you, then allowing your arm to drop into your lap. Feel the normal load of your arm as it falls flaccidly into your lap. It might assist with envisioning you are a manikin with only two or three strings holding your arm up. Somebody cuts the strings, and the arm falls intensely and without opposition.

After you have attempted this with the two arms, move the seat back up to the console and, with fingers in a bent position, feel your arm fall on each note. The heaviness of your arm will move through your fingers into each key.

7. Wrist usage

An adaptable, flexible wrist will assist with moving the heaviness of your arm into your fingers when you play. With bent fingers currently in touch with the keys, permit the wrist to serenely drop, somewhat, as you play a key. After you play the key, then, at that point, permit the wrist to tenderly bounce back up, in anticipation of the following down stroke. Fingers ought to keep in touch with the keys as you do this.

Most importantly, recollect that the wrist ought to continuously feel good and loose. Try not to drive these movements — as referenced in the last tip, try to allow gravity to accomplish the work for you.

8. Arm inclination

While playing the piano, the pinky finger, the wrist, and the elbow ought to arrange in a generally straight line. Now and again, particularly while playing with the two thumbs on Middle C, children will turn their hands, so their wrists are bowed. Attempt rather keep the wrists straighter and let the hands turn in toward one another. Keeping the wrist locked at a point makes strain, which disrupts your piano stance and playing your best.

9. Sitting posture

sitting posture
sitting posture

Kids appear to very much want to slide around on the seat when they play, however, this isn't exactly a decent utilization of energy. It is better to assume that they sit in one spot and lean assuming they need to. Assuming a whole piece is played coming up short on the piano, begin sitting to the left on the seat, or on the other hand on the off chance that the piece is high, begin on the right. On the off chance that a piece goes low and high, sit in the center and shelter arrive at all the keys. An ottoman can be major assistance with this, giving equilibrium and something to push off while inclining.

Learning the piano has never been more efficient!

Mela Music School has made a name for itself as a premier location for the best piano classes online. So if you are looking to become the expert pianist that you have always wanted to be, make it a reality with Mela Music School's online piano classes in Bangalore!


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