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Writer's pictureShivani Rajput

Left Handed Guitar Chords Every Guitarist Must Know

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

Left Handed Guitar Chords Every Guitarist Must Know


If you're left-handed, the universe of the guitar can at times feel somewhat distancing. For example, just 10% of all players are left given. What's more, assuming you're showing yourself, you've presumably observed that most resources are designed for right-hand individuals. But, be that as it may, is learning as a lefty any unique? In this article, we'll take you through what you want to know and show you some supportive left-handed guitar chords for novices.

Left Handed Guitar Chords Every Guitarist Must Know

Most guitarists begin the learning system by playing open chords. Be that as it may, when you're alright with open harmonies, learning barre harmonies as a left-given guitarist will take your playing higher than ever. Since you utilize your pointer to "bar" across the strings, your hand behaves like a capo. So by moving a similar shape, you can play in various keys.

Barre chords will more often than not be simpler to recollect, as well. Most significant harmonies utilize a similar fingering design, as do numerous minor chords. On account of F major (the first barre harmony numerous guitarists realize), you should lift your forefinger and have an F minor.

So, if you want to learn guitar, you must know about left-han

red guitar chords.

  • C Major chord

Place your first finger on the first fret of the fifth string.

Put your second finger on the third string/second fret

Place your third finger on the third fret of the second string.

Play strings 5 and 6 open

Mute string 1

  • D Major chord

Put your first finger on the fourth string/second fret

Put your second finger on the sixth string/

second fret

Put your third finger on the fifth string/third fret

Play string 3 open

Mute strings 1 and 2

  • E Major chord

Put your first finger on the fourth string/first fret

Put your second finger on the third string/second fret

Put your third finger on the second string/second fret

Play strings 1, 5, and 6 open

  • F Major chord

Put your first finger on the fifth string/first fret

Put your second finger on the fourth string/second fret

Put your third finger on the third string/third fret

Play string 6 open

Mute strings 1 and 2

  • G Major chord

Put your first finger on the second string/second fret

Put your second finger on the first string/third fret

Put your third finger on the sixth string/third fret

Play strings 3, 4, and 5 open

  • A Major chord

Put your first finger on the fifth string/second fret

Put your second finger on the fourth string/second fret

Put your third finger on the third string/second fret

Play strings 2 and 6 open

Mute the first string

  • B Major chord

Put your first finger on the sixth string/second fret

Put your second finger on the fifth string/fourth fret

Put your third finger on the fourth string/fourth fret

Put your fourth finger on the third string/fourth fret

Mute strings 1 and 2

How are the left-handed chords different from the right-handed chords?

Are lefty guitar chords not the same as chords for right-hand players? The solution to this question is fairly chaotic. Regarding which notes you play on which worries, the harmonies are something similar. Nonetheless, left-hand chord cha

rts are unique to right-hand individuals. Harmony graphs are intended to resemble the neck of your guitar, assuming the guitar is upstanding and you're remaining before it.

This implies that left-handed guitar harmony charts are flipped variants of right-handed outlines. Many left-handed guitarists figure out how to peruse harmony outlines for righties; however, it might take some becoming acclimated to. Nevertheless, it could be useful to discover some left given harmony outlines if you can. Many sales with them free of charge on the web, and assuming you're a novice, gaining from left-hand chord graphs can make dominating chords significantly simpler.

How to learn guitar and understand the left-hand guitar chords?

You might have seen that most web-based informative videos are intended for right-hand guitarists. Assuming your left hand, it tends to be useful to get some counsel on your worrying hand position that is particularly designed for lefties. Right-handed individuals instructing some guitar courses doesn't mean they won't work for you as a lefty.

Learning left-handed guitar isn't too unique, yet

you might have to do a little mental acrobatics to flip around any chord graphs or educational videos you see. Before starting your excursion, it tends to be useful to dive into certain resources for left-handed guitarists. If you want guitar classes in Bangalore, you can turn to Mela Music School, which offers customized music lessons to adults and students to help them achieve their goals efficiently and quickly.


Learning guitar can be a test initially; however, you'll, at last, be happy you invested the hard effort. What's more, recollect that even though playing left-handed has its special difficulties, figuring out how to play guitar left-handed isn't too quite the same as learning right-handed guitar. If you want to learn guitar online or are looking for guitar classes in Bangalore, then mela music school is the right platform for you. You can learn music from exceptionally qualified and motivating instructors at our institute who are as enthusiastic about music as they are tied in with educating. Bring music training to your home and get familiar with any structure, procedure, or piece of music. We offer music classes using Skype or Facetime. You can start your music journey with Music Mela School anytime.

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