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Musical Instruments for Kids: A blog about musical instruments for kids, how to choose the best one

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

musical instruments for kids

Discovering the appropriate musical instruments for kids may be just as challenging as learning how to play them. But keep in mind that learning to play music has significant scholastic and social advantages for children.

It may aid in the improvement of academic performance, coordination, and mobility. It has the potential to improve their self-esteem. In addition, it teaches children patience and self-control.

To pique your child's interest in music, it is worthwhile to put up the necessary effort as early as possible and explore some musical instruments for kids.

You will learn about the greatest musical instruments for kids in this little guide, which will help you and your child make the best selection possible from piano classes to singing classes near me:



The piano is often cited as one of the most popular musical instruments for kids under the age of six, and it is frequently their first choice. The piano aids in the development of a musical foundation by teaching pitch, speed, rhythm, and other fundamental abilities to children.

2. Online Guitar Classes

Guitars are available in a variety of forms and sizes, making them an excellent option for children of all ages. Because there are no frets or keys, children may concentrate entirely on the sounds they are producing rather than on technical abilities.

It is possible that learning to use the bow may assist them in understanding "musical phrasing," which will provide the groundwork for studying more harder instruments in future.

3. Keyboard

Although the keyboard is often included in the primary school curriculum, this does not imply that your kid must wait until it is required.

Most youngsters can learn the fundamentals in a few sessions, making it one of the greatest instruments for children. Your youngster may be able to perform well-known children's songs such as "Three Blind Mice" in a short period of time.

It's a straightforward achievement, but it provides immediate consequences that encourage people to continue their education.

Which musical instruments are the most appropriate for children to learn first or the best musical instruments for kids?

You will be amazed at how many advantages music and learning to play a musical instrument can provide your kid! Learning to play music with online guitar classes, singing, and listening to music are all natural parts of one's development as a human being. Music is about communicating, expressing oneself, and having a good time! A satisfying experience that may help your kid develop their ability to listen and concentrate, build positive self-esteem, self-expression, and problem-solving abilities, and, most importantly, help your child grow as a person is participating in sports. If your child is not interested in any instrument, you can also look for singing classes near me.

The greatest musical instruments for kids to learn initially might vary depending on the age of the learner and the length or shortness of their fingers, but the advantages are the same regardless of the instrument chosen. Choosing the greatest children's musical instruments also involves taking into consideration what your child is most interested in learning how to play. Does it seem that they have previously shown an interest in a certain instrument?


To choose one of the finest musical instruments for kids to learn, like online guitar classes or singing classes near me, it's a good idea to first have a general awareness of the many varieties of kids' musical instruments available. Musical instruments are classified into many families, the most prominent of which are:

• Keyboard instruments such as the piano, keyboard, and synthesiser

• Stringed instruments: violin, and guitar (also, online guitar classes are available at the click of your fingertips) guitar (electric, acoustic, classical), bass, fretless bass, etc.

• Woodwinds - clarinet, flute, oboe, bassoon, and a variety of other instruments

• Percussion instruments such as drums and Cajon


The second factor to consider while selecting the greatest musical instruments for kids is the kind of music that they like listening to. It is possible to play any form of music on every instrument save the percussion instruments, although some children's musical instruments are linked with certain genres of music. The following are examples of common associations:

• Electric Guitar — rock, pop, blues, jazz, and more genres

• Acoustic Guitar – folk, world music, blues, country, bluegrass, classical, etc. • Electric Guitar – rock, metal, etc. (this translates well into online guitar classes

• Keyboards - the most adaptable instrument and the one that is most usually connected with all types of musical expression. While a piano is excellent for learning techniques,s in the beginning, electronic keyboards feature a variety of sounds that the learner may choose from.

• Voice Classes: Your voice is the best musical instrument you have. If your child loves singing then you may choose from singing classes near me and pick a music school that is best suited for your child.


In the absence of a special choice on your child's part, the keyboard is an excellent first musical instrument for kids to introduce to pupils aged 6 to 10 since it is the most adaptable of all the instruments available. It should be noted that this is not your only choice! If your kid has indicated an interest in a different family of instruments, we would suggest the following options for them:

• Enroll them on online guitar classes, if they are between the ages of 8 and 10.

In addition to violin, other string family instruments like cello and bass are not recommended for younger pupils since their hands are not yet large enough to deal with the mechanics of the instrument. Guitar easily translates into online guitar classes as well!

• Drums are best left until the learner is 4 years old since they need the use of both the hands and the feet, and younger children's legs may not have grown long enough to make drumming a practical option.

• Singing Classes: If your child hums the songs of the movies they love, you may consider singing classes for them by looking for singing classes near me in your vicinity.

You may want to choose a bigger or smaller kids' musical instrument depending on how long your child's arms, hands, and fingers are (and how long their fingers are). Because of the stretching necessary to play bass or a "jumbo" acoustic guitar, a youngster with shorter arms and fingers will find it difficult to learn to play. A ukulele or a "three quarter" size acoustic guitar might be more appropriate in this context.

What factors should I consider while selecting a musical instrument for my child? Or should I look for singing classes near me instead?

If you're reading this, it's probable that you're a parent who is anxious (and understandably so) about your child's ability to choose the appropriate instrument.

The key to mastering any instrument is a lot of practice, but you and your kid might have a much simpler and more pleasurable experience studying music if you assist him or her in choosing a more appropriate instrument for them. In this post, we will discuss how to pick the ideal instrument for your kid, taking into account factors such as age, physical characteristics, personality, the popularity of the instrument, interest, and financial situation.


Physical strength and height rise as a result of growing older. When choosing an instrument with your kid, you should take into account both of these factors. While it is simpler to study music at a young age, certain musical instruments are better ideal for your kid when he or she has developed the requisite strength to hold the instrument in place and/or when he or she has grown in height relative to the instrument's size.


Some instruments, such as the piano, need your kid to be a specific height in order to be played. As an example, your kid will need to be tall enough to engage the complete range of motion of the trombone's slide mechanism in order to strike all of the notes on his or her instrument. Fortunately, most other instruments are available in a variety of sizes, allowing your youngster to begin learning as soon as possible. As your kid develops, you'll need to make an investment incorrectly suited equipment, which will cost more money.


When selecting an instrument for your kid, it's also crucial to take their personality into consideration. This may be less obvious. Your kid will enjoy a variety of musical experiences as he or she learns and performs on several instruments. Players of the flute, trumpet, violin, or electric guitar are particularly well-suited to extroverted children who enjoy being the centre of attention. This is because players of these instruments are not only frequently found in musical groups, but they are also frequently featured prominently in these groups. However, quiet and introspective youngsters may feel more at ease with the piano, which is more typically learnt and played alone or in small groups than with other musical instruments.

Instrument's level of popularity

Most people who want to learn to play an instrument choose the piano, guitar, flute, violin, or trumpet as their first choice. Others, such as the viola and the bassoon, are less often heard nowadays. Your child's music learning experience may vary depending on how popular the instrument is that he or she chooses to study.

Instruments that are widely used

For some youngsters, learning popular instruments may be more motivating than learning other instruments because they may be able to make more friends who also play the instrument, or they may be able to gain more recognition more quickly for the progress they make on the instrument.

Popular instruments also tend to have a greater number of instructors and resources available to them. The likelihood of finding a close instructor for your child's instrument will increase, allowing him or her to avoid lengthy trips with their instrument. The disadvantage is that your kid may have a more difficult time obtaining a place in a musical group at school or elsewhere as a result of the intense competition in the field.


Perhaps most significantly, your youngster must be at least somewhat interested in the instrument to participate. Even though it is common for young children to get interested in and lose interest in things rapidly, it is critical that your kid be passionate about learning the instrument from the start. If your kid can appreciate the sounds of the instrument, he or she will be more likely to enjoy learning to play the instrument in the future. If your child loves singing instead, consider looking for singing classes near me

Consider allowing your youngster to try out each instrument at a store before making a decision together. While your kid may be uninterested in a variety of instruments, it is quite probable that you will be able to determine if your child favours melody, harmony, or rhythm above the others. An obvious preference for the rhythmic elements of music suggests that your kid might choose to study the drums rather than the clarinet if he or she has a strong aptitude for them.

It is important to choose the appropriate instrument for your youngster. Remember to check that your child's instrument is the proper size and of good quality as well! This will go a long way toward ensuring that your kid learns well and enjoys his or her music instruction. Nonetheless, although following these suggestions for selecting an instrument is important, getting your kid off to a good start is not the sole factor in determining his or her future success in music. The commitment to practise is as, if not more, crucial than the commitment to study. Please keep an eye out on our blog in August for some helpful ideas on how to persuade your youngster to participate in sports.

We hope you and your youngster have a wonderful time as you embark on this new musical adventure together!

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